Wednesday, August 01, 2007

FLNW2 : Thailand

TALO or Teach and Learn Online is an international network of people interested in all things e-learning, flexible learning, online education, networked learning and web 2.0.

TALO provides individuals with the opportunity to connect with others who share a common interest in progressing knowledge sharing in an open and diverse collaborative community. A range of active online discussion forums,blogs, wikis, and web feeds are balanced with un-conferences, swap-meets and other spontaneous face-to-face conversations.

The un-conference model has been adopted as an open conversation space within all TALO events and serves to guide or in some instances challenge the perceptions of those used to conference sensibilities.

Round 2 sees the TALO group embark on a trip to Thailand with assistance from the EON Foundation.

The catch cry of this experience stands as......TALO members explore the Future of Learning in a Networked World via e-learning, flexible delivery, online education, networked learning and web 2.0 in the respective geographical and virtual locations. The focus of FLNW2 is to engage TALO members in proactive e-learning hands-on events in a cross-cultural context with host nations, networks, groups and individuals.

Please see the wiki for more info. as it grows -

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