So needless to say, a bunch of stuff was discussed, recorded and documented in various ways. Yet still, we don't have a central feed that is bringing all this media together. Rest assured we are working on it. Its not a big problem, just trying to find the time to do it.
Here are the photos, unfiltered, all as they are.
Here are the videos so far...
And below is an example of what happens to a teacher who joins us for a day. Tony is going to create his own video depicting this scenario.. then start developing it!!
Tony Heptinstall and Leigh Blackall interpret MobilEd
The idea is to produce some video prototypes in Jonas Löwgren's style. Have a look of an example in here:
So, we are not really in there yet. We still need a bit more "acting" and maybe some “props” to explain the concept. However, we may consider this to be the first version. The idea itself is absolutely outstanding.
Ahh Leigh,
Thanks for this "The Magnet for Misadventure" does not believe I was on the Taieri Gorge Railway train trip at all.
I was so engrossed in intense conversations with complex and intriguing minds that I find myself completely unable to describe any of the
"Cross magnificent stone and wrought iron viaducts and bridges, and gasp athe sgheer drops to the river below. Plunge into a series of tunnels with the schist rock walls only inches from the sides of the train" stuff at all.
the discussions on the train trip were the best part of the Dunedin experience for me. It was as if the interesting company, confined space, the scenery and the gentle rocking of the train...oh and don't forget the beer.. all melded together to create a wonderful moment in space.
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