Monday, January 14, 2008

Leo Laoshi : Bridged Connections

It's an interesting situation when your guest speaker states that Skype is blocked after you've spent 5 hours the night before ensuring all Skypecast connections are valid.

It's even more interesting when you've arrived at work only to find that you yourself as the Skypecast convenor are blocked from access.

Despite these vagaries I managed to get in a chat with Leo last night which gives you an idea as to what he's up to at SooChow University with his Freshmen and Sophomores.

Download the MP3 file conversation.

Check out the Slideshare which underpins his response to my questions.

Time coded Wikieducator neo-constructivist mode


leo said...

Dear all , one thing I would like to mention is the comments I quote from one of my co-worker here , I totally agree with what he said about keep a professional distance with the students but meanwhile ,after using the web2.0 for example haokanbu I found it is hard for me to do that ,but still i think it is very important for a teacher to do that , especially after all those technology thing are changing the way we teach

Just a thought

Leo wong from China

Leigh Blackall said...

Hi Leo, I think I agree. I am beginning to see various ways of doing that too. Which is what I will talk about with Teemu on the 16th.

I really enjoyed listening to your talk with Alex. I have started transcribing the audio into text on the wikieducator link in the post here. Doing that is helping me to concentrate carefully on what you say. Hearing your voice at last has added a whole new dimension to my image of you. Its is great to hear.

Many thanks.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Leo: thanks for the great interview. I've cleaned up the recording a bit and added it here as well:

leo said...

Dear Brent thank you so much for doing all these , I don't kno why I can not download or even listen to the second pocast between me and Stephen , blogger was okay yesterday but not working today , can anyone send me a link again ? thank you I will try to keep up with FLNW for the coming weeks Leigh , I think it really meaning a lot for me to finally talk to Alex and you guys ,one of my students Kevin he told me that sometimes The way we are learning things is more important than things we learn after he did his final presentation on self-learning in web2.0 project last week .

Thank you


leo said...

Just to update , finaly here IN cHINA i CAN creat a slideshare

I uploaded my slides to

and made a few changes and will voice over this by using podcast with Alex the other day , i tried twice but canot upload the podcast with the slides , what is wrong ?