Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sponsors Letter

Sent this out to a number of organizations today.

"......Hi [ insert name ],

We are seeking sponsorship to enable ten (10) physical participants to attend the FLNW2 trip to Thailand - more details available at

You will also notice that there is an online connections conference growing which will have a global presence and with many well known educators and online learning technologists speaking at the TCC Conference hosted by TALO - Teach and Learn Online

We are seeking an $825 USD sponsorship from [ insert name ] for an extensive form of web presence and the opportunity to participate as a key sponsor in all online and physical events organized by TALO in January 2007.

All documentation contains sponsors logos and contact information and a publication that synthesizes all digital data will be published in April 2008 relating to this conference which will also contain sponsors contributions and acknowledgments.

[Insert name ] can deposit money by PayPal directly to the ChipIn -

and FLNW are a collaborative, online and offline global network of educators examining ways to engage educational organizations in events that showcase creative industry and capacity.

We look forward to your return correspondence and your participation in this event......"

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